Welcome to Lithuania

Welcome to our modern and vibrant office in Vilnius, the bustling capital city of Lithuania. Our office offers a dynamic and inspiring work environment that perfectly blends functionality with contemporary design.As you step into our office, you'll immediately be greeted by a sense of energy and creativity.
Welcome to *Lithuania*
Przejdź niżej -


of ideas

Our office in Vilnius is a contemporary, inspiring, and inclusive workspace designed to foster collaboration, creativity, and productivity. The green spaces in the office create a relaxing and cosy atmosphere where it's easy to feel good!

& eat

A wide selection of restaurants around the office promotes a friendly feeling among colleagues. Lunch breaks becomes an opportunity to network, exchange ideas and build relationships. Even cooler that you can spend time on the outdoor terraces!

to it!

This is where insurance innovations happen, supported by the atmosphere and the equipment. If something messes with our workflow or flow of ideas, we simply click it away!

and Pop-ups

These would be the DJ's names if we had to create a playlist for the Balcia office atmosphere. By the way, you might catch colleagues doing a victory dance, whether during parties or in the middle of a workday. Moreover, after a day's work, you can rest your head at the free fitness club!

Happy place

We transform "maybe" into "yes, go!" and "oh no!" for "nothing, it happens!"
How can it ever be boring?!


Nr 1

Elastyczny system pracy. Ograny frazes, prawda?

Co to u nas znaczy? Dni wolne, praca z domu lub za granicą, indywidualne godziny pracy? Ok, mamy to!
Nr 2

Szklany sufit?

W Balcii nie ograniczamy Twojego rozwoju! Pracuj dla nas i stań się najlepszą wersją siebie.
Nr 3

Bonusy czy pop-up parties? A może jedno i drugie!

Jeśli ciężko pracujesz, rozdajemy premie i organizujemy imprezy, aby to uczcić. Jak często? Patrzymy na nasze kwartalne wyniki, a następnie poddajemy je pod głosowanie.
Nois! Yaas!
Lightbulb Starfish


Simona Dervinienė


Property insurance product manager

Travel is the key, no matter how far you go .. I choose skiing in the Alps to restart, the sea to find balance, and I can't imagine everyday life without walks in nature and good books. Fresh air brings some fresh ideas.

Lina Misėkaitė


Key account manager

Bring the beat in! Arts is my passion. I cant imagine my life without music and crowded concerts on warm summer days. In winter I choose theater to warm those evenings up. My newest interest is ornithology, maybe because this science is so artistic too!

Hat Star

Podejmujesz wyzwanie?

Mamy wolne stanowiska! 5


Passionate about the intersections of property and insurance? Brilliant! At Balcia, shape property insurance products that make even the most discerning clients feel secure and well-cared-for.

Marketing communication project manager

Are you a trained marketing ninja who can jump into the market and get Balcia brand on a higher level? Great! Brace yourself and take a part in our awesome adventure!


Ready to launch success? Hit sales goals, dazzle customers, and team up with partners – let's soar!


Ready to launch success? Hit sales goals, dazzle customers, and team up with partners – let's soar!


Are you ready to turn risk into rewards, and policies into profits, all with a dash of underwriting wizardry?

Wszystkie stanowiska są obecnie obsadzone!
Balcia Insurance