Tagasi töökohtade juurde


We're a tech-driven insurance company with Latvian roots, causing waves in industry with our fresh approach. Our secret? Placing people's lifestyles at the heart of our products and leveraging the power of automation. The result is an insurance experience that's as hassle-free as it gets. No need to buy and cancel policies anymore - just a simple, convenient subscription service that smoothly integrates insurance into your everyday life. Today, we are sprinkled across Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France, Germany, Italy, and Estonia. We're all over the place, and we're just getting started. We are on a mission to redefine the way you think about insurance.

Sinu missioon
Be a conversation magician
Palk (bruto)
1300-1800 €
Alusta testiga
Milline Balcia kindlustuspakett sa oled?
background Dominyka Dumčiūtė - Gedvilienė
Dominyka Dumčiūtė - Gedvilienė
Head of Sales
Kohtu oma juhiga


Your mission, is to make the business skyrocket to success by hitting sales targets, charming customers and cooperation partners, and crafting a genius sales plan that turns the company into the Rockstar of the industry!

Maybe it's you

  • You're customer and result-oriented - you don't rest until you've achieved your goal;
  • You take a "stop/change/start" approach.
  • You are proactive and innovative, looking for the best way to achieve a solution;
  • You follow the framework of the book "Atomic Habits".
  • Communication and relationship building with partners, negotiation is your path to success.
  • You are positive, you see new solutions rather than problems.

Your responsibilities

  • Achieving personal and team sales and business objectives;
  • Proactive communication with partners, business customers. Professional service from clarification of insurance needs to making the best insurance decision;
  • Managing insurance contracts, projects.

If you can be proud of

  • Experience in sales, customer service and insurance;
  • Good computer skills (Excell; MS Office)

Why Balcia?

  • Salary starts from €1,300 (before taxes) + bonuses for sales and quality, depending on the competences and results achieved;
  • Health Insurance;
  • Various discounts on Balcia products;
  • Flexible working conditions;
  • Additional holiday days;
  • Personal and professional growth through internal training programmes;
  • Creative and comfortable working environment.


Nr 1
Me oleme paindlikud

Mida sa ütlesid? Vabad päevad, kaugtöö kodust või välismaalt ning kohandatud töötunnid? Jah, oleme nõus!

Võimalus hübriidtööks
Paindlikud töötunnid
Töötaja eripuhkus oluliste elusündmuste jaoks
Võimalus töötada välismaalt
Nr 2
Mis taevas ja piir?

Pole ühtki piirangut, mis takistaks sul Balcias paremaks kasvada. Tule meile tööle ning loo endast super-mina.

Koolitused ja osalemine konverentsidel
Dünaamiline töökeskkond
Lugematud võimalused karjääri tegemiseks
Nr 3
Tagame boonused ja lahedad peod

Kui töötad kõvasti, siis jagame boonust ja teeme ka korraliku peo. Kui tihti? Vaatame kvartaalsete tulemuste pealt ning siis hääletame.

Kvartaalsed boonused
50% soodustus Balcia toodetele
Stebby liitumine esimesest päevast
Pop-up peod

Ei leitud ühtegi vastet

Avasta vabu positsioone 14 O o .


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Balcia Insurance