Töötame üllatustega
Vähendame oma klientide ebameeldivaid üllatusi;
Üllatame kindlustusmaastikku innovatsiooniga;
Hoiame üllatavalt mõnusat töökeskkonda;
Jah, selles kõiges oleme head!
Vähendame oma klientide ebameeldivaid üllatusi;
Üllatame kindlustusmaastikku innovatsiooniga;
Hoiame üllatavalt mõnusat töökeskkonda;
Jah, selles kõiges oleme head!
Kui töötad Balcias, muutuvad su refleksid ülikiireks. See on loomulik, sest töötad professonaalidega, kes loovad innovatiivseid kindlustustooteid. Meie kliendid ei hinda ainult stabiilsust ja turvalisust, vaid ka loovat lähenemist.
Ükskõik, kas oled klient või kolleeg - suhtleme omavahel seni, kuni oleme mõlemad ühel lainel. See on meie moodi lähenemine tööle. Siis muudame tekkinud mõtted üheskoos tegudeks.
Meile meeldib olla tipus, seega täiendame end pidevalt, et saaksime vähema vaevaga rohkem tehtud.
Töö ei pea olema igav!
99% ajast ei olegi - siis kui töötad Balcias!
Sind huvitab kahjukäsitlus ja müügi edendamine? Täiuslik! Balcias oled sa meie meeskonna selgroog, pakkudes tuge, mis võlub kliente ja tugevdab meie müügijõudu.
Kas Sul on loomulik anne lahendada probleeme ja leida kaoses rahu? Kas sul on oskus lahendada väljakutseid naeratusega? Kui sul on empaatiavõime ja probleemide lahendamise oskus, siis meil on sulle ideaalne töö!
Are you a risk assessment expert with a keen eye for detail? Do you excel in evaluating complex liability scenarios and crafting robust underwriting solutions? Perfect! At Balcia, we’re seeking a Liability Risks Underwriter who can analyze, assess, and mitigate liability risks to ensure our clients are well-protected and our underwriting strategies are top-notch.
Passionate about shaping insurance products and fostering relationships with brokers? Fantastic! At Balcia, you’ll assess risks, create tailored insurance solutions, and drive the growth of our product offerings, making a significant impact in the evolving insurance market.
Passionate about shaping insurance products and fostering relationships with brokers? Fantastic! At Balcia, you’ll assess risks, create tailored insurance solutions, and drive the growth of our product offerings, making a significant impact in the evolving insurance market.
Are you a risk assessment expert with a keen eye for detail? Do you excel in evaluating complex liability scenarios and crafting robust underwriting solutions? Perfect! At Balcia, we’re seeking a Liability Risks Underwriter who can analyze, assess, and mitigate liability risks to ensure our clients are well-protected and our underwriting strategies are top-notch.
Passionate about the intersections of Motor and insurance? Brilliant! At Balcia, shape motor insurance products that make even the most discerning clients feel secure and well-cared-for.
Eager to make a difference in people's lives, one policy at a time? Step into the role of Sales Specialist and become the beacon of reassurance in the dynamic world of insurance.
Are you a marketing freak who wants to evolve the Balcia brand? Great! Get ready and take part in our amazing adventure!
Do you consider every problem as a challenge and you can be the calm one in the middle of the chaos? Great! Join us and help create a remarkable space to work!
Ready to brighten every customer's day? Join a company where care makes all the difference and be the reassuring voice in the insurance world, transforming inquiries into smiles!
Ready to launch success? Hit sales goals, dazzle customers, and team up with partners – let's soar!
Ready to launch success? Hit sales goals, dazzle customers, and team up with partners – let's soar!