Tagasi töökohtade juurde


As an insurance specialist, you'll have the chance to collaborate closely with our partners in insurance mediation, serving as their trusted ally. Together, we'll foster constructive, mutually advantageous, and enduring partnerships.

Sinu missioon
The magician of effective communication
Palk (bruto)
1400-1600 €
Alusta testiga
Milline Balcia kindlustuspakett sa oled?
background Dovydas Aukštuolis
Dovydas Aukštuolis
Customer Care Team Lead
Kohtu oma juhiga


As an insurance specialist, you'll have the chance to collaborate closely with our partners in insurance mediation, serving as their trusted ally. Together, we'll foster constructive, mutually advantageous, and enduring partnerships.

Get ready to: 

  • Promote Balcia offerings to their existing clientele while also drawing in fresh customers
  • Offer guidance to customers regarding Balcia product features and terms
  • Create insurance proposals, policies, and contractual agreements
  • Provide support to Balcia customers through multiple communication channels, including email, telephone, and social media platforms

About you:

  • You have a proven track record of effectively attracting clients ithin the insurance sector
  • You possess the ability to articulate your perspective convincingly and present your opinions with clarity and persuasiveness
  • You are willing and enthusiastic about working in dynamic environments, and are accustomed to thinking out of the box

Sound familiar? Great! Shoot us a message, and let's see where this connection takes us!

What we offer

You will be working at a modern office in a friendly, fast-paced, and teamwork-oriented international culture with high ethics. You will have an opportunity to work also remotely.

No two days are the same. You will be working closely with an amazing team and learning from the best in a constantly changing environment. We will provide you with the necessary training, guidance, and onboarding.

Competitive monthly salary depending on your level of experience and competence,  additional paid days off, discounts on Balcia products, gifts on special occasions, and much more.



Nr 1
Me oleme paindlikud

Mida sa ütlesid? Vabad päevad, kaugtöö kodust või välismaalt ning kohandatud töötunnid? Jah, oleme nõus!

Võimalus hübriidtööks
Paindlikud töötunnid
Töötaja eripuhkus oluliste elusündmuste jaoks
Võimalus töötada välismaalt
Nr 2
Mis taevas ja piir?

Pole ühtki piirangut, mis takistaks sul Balcias paremaks kasvada. Tule meile tööle ning loo endast super-mina.

Koolitused ja osalemine konverentsidel
Dünaamiline töökeskkond
Lugematud võimalused karjääri tegemiseks
Nr 3
Tagame boonused ja lahedad peod

Kui töötad kõvasti, siis jagame boonust ja teeme ka korraliku peo. Kui tihti? Vaatame kvartaalsete tulemuste pealt ning siis hääletame.

Kvartaalsed boonused
50% soodustus Balcia toodetele
Stebby liitumine esimesest päevast
Pop-up peod

Ei leitud ühtegi vastet

Avasta vabu positsioone 14 O o .


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Balcia Insurance