Santarvėje su staigmenomis
Sušvelninti nemalonias staigmenas klientams;
Nustebinti draudimo sritį pasiūlius naujovių;
Darbe sukurti stebinamai gerą atmosferą;
Taip, mes tai ypač vertiname.
Sušvelninti nemalonias staigmenas klientams;
Nustebinti draudimo sritį pasiūlius naujovių;
Darbe sukurti stebinamai gerą atmosferą;
Taip, mes tai ypač vertiname.
Dirbant pas mus išvystoma greitesnė reakcija. Taip nutinka kai pirmasis sukuri inovatyvius produktus.
Juk klientai vertina ne tik stabilumą ir saugumą, bet ir kūrybiškas idėjas.
Kas bebūtume – kolegos ar klientai – mes kalbamės, įsiklausome ir suprantame vienas kitą. Mums tai patinka. Mes įvykdome tai, apie ką kalbėjome.
Mokymasis ir augimas - mūsų kasdienybė, nes norime nepervargdami pasiektume kuo daugiau.
Darbas neturi būti nuobodus!
Ir jei esi su „Balcia“, 99 proc. laiko nenuobodžiausi!
Interested in claims handling and thrilled by empowering sales? Perfect! At Balcia, you'll be the backbone of our team, delivering support that dazzles customers and empowers our sales force.
Driven by innovation in motor insurance? Perfect! At Balcia, you’ll shape and enhance our motor insurance products, analyze market trends, and collaborate with key partners to deliver cutting-edge solutions.
Are you passionate about numbers and financial accuracy? Do you thrive in ensuring financial integrity and providing insightful analysis? Excellent! At Balcia, we're seeking a dedicated Accountant to join our dynamic team and support our mission of delivering cutting-edge insurance technology solutions that exceed client expectations.
Passionate about helping people and handling personal injury claims? Fantastic! At Balcia, you’ll ensure fair settlements, communicate with clients, and make a real impact. Join us and bring your expertise to the evolving insurance industry!
Passionate about the intersections of property and insurance? Brilliant! At Balcia, shape property insurance products that make even the most discerning clients feel secure and well-cared-for.
Are you passionate about creating an exceptional workplace and empowering people to thrive? At Balcia, we’re seeking a People & Culture Partner to champion our culture, drive impactful HR initiatives, and support our mission of delivering outstanding insurance solutions. Join us in shaping a workplace where talent shines and grows!
Passionate about shaping insurance products and fostering relationships with brokers? Fantastic! At Balcia, you’ll assess risks, create tailored insurance solutions, and drive the growth of our product offerings, making a significant impact in the evolving insurance market.
Passionate about shaping insurance products and fostering relationships with brokers? Fantastic! At Balcia, you’ll assess risks, create tailored insurance solutions, and drive the growth of our product offerings, making a significant impact in the evolving insurance market.
Are you a risk assessment expert with a keen eye for detail? Do you excel in evaluating complex liability scenarios and crafting robust underwriting solutions? Perfect! At Balcia, we’re seeking a Liability Risks Underwriter who can analyze, assess, and mitigate liability risks to ensure our clients are well-protected and our underwriting strategies are top-notch.
Are you a trained marketing ninja who can jump into the market and get Balcia brand on a higher level? Great! Brace yourself and take a part in our awesome adventure!
Ready to launch success? Hit sales goals, dazzle customers, and team up with partners – let's soar!
Ready to launch success? Hit sales goals, dazzle customers, and team up with partners – let's soar!
Are you ready to turn risk into rewards, and policies into profits, all with a dash of underwriting wizardry?