background Dace Silvonika
She navigates storms with a smile
She's your ultimate cheerleader
She gets things done
Patience is her secret ingredient


Chief Administrative Officer

Say hello to Dace, our very own multitasking queen! In her dynamic world, juggling tasks becomes an exciting game rather than a daunting chore. Guided by boundless optimism and determination, Dace masterfully blends understanding with firmness. Under her leadership, the impossible becomes routine; satisfaction is the standard result.

Dace takes pride in doing what she loves and uplifting others to feel like they're in the right place at Balcia. Her recipe for success is simple yet impactful — mutual trust and respect, honesty and hard work. With a mindset like this, there is no putting things off until later; it's here and now and quick! 

Fun fact!

Dace writes short stories and poetry, although she has yet to be convinced to publish it.

If Dace was a Balcia product, she'd be…

TRAVEL insurance. She's always on the move.

Balcia Insurance