background Artur Senčenko
He always goes the extra mile
He makes sure everyone is comfortable
He supports no matter what
He’s always a team player


General Director

Get ready to be led by Artur, our visionary Branch Director, steering the team toward success with precision and determination. His leadership style revolves around a simple yet powerful ethos: „When strategic planning falters, remember one rule - Get things done!” With a keen eye for detail and a knack for driving productivity, Artur ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

Fun fact!

Artur might not be a fan of raisins and marzipan, but his homemade Crème Brulee is an absolute delight that could sway even the most discerning taste buds.

If Artur was a Balcia product, he'd be…

HOME TRAVEL or TRAVEL HOME, which resonates with his strong sense of responsibility and commitment to his family. Despite his occasional fear of roller skates, he's always on the lookout for the next adventure, seeking tickets to explore new corners of the world.

Balcia Insurance