background Jeļena Andrejeva
She sparks the fighting spirit
She fosters belief in potential
She unites and appreciate her team
She treasures empathy


Sales manager

Prepare to be energized in Jelena's high-octane world, where she outdoes even Elon Musk with her fiery spirit and tactical mind. She's a bomb of positivity, her explosive energy lighting up our workplace like the Fourth of July. Jelena knows that a team that trusts and supports each other wins together.

Many smirk at the phrase “our team is like a family”, but Jelena makes her team feel like one. It's a no-judgment zone where everyone feels safe sharing opinions and doing things their way. She appreciates her colleagues and all their quirks — they come together and do magic.

Fun fact!

Her element is water. Give her a nice SPA and a hot sauna, and she will come out more energized than the sun! 

If Jeļena was a Balcia product, she'd be…

HOME. Loved and trusted by her team, and accepting of them.

All vacancies by Jeļena

Sales Specialist

Eager to make a difference in people's lives, one policy at a time? Step into the role of Sales Specialist and become the beacon of reassurance in the dynamic world of insurance.

Our team is currently at full capacity with all positions filled. Stay connected with us for future opportunities and exciting updates.
Balcia Insurance