Tagasi töökohtade juurde


We're a tech-driven insurance company with Latvian roots, causing waves in industry with our fresh approach. Our secret? Placing people's lifestyles at the heart of our products and leveraging the power of automation. The result is an insurance experience that's as hassle-free as it gets. No need to buy and cancel policies anymore - just a simple, convenient subscription service that smoothly integrates insurance into your everyday life. Today, we are sprinkled across Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France, Germany, Italy, and Estonia. We're all over the place, and we're just getting started. We are on a mission to redefine the way you think about insurance.

Sinu missioon
Be a detective
background Denis Nikolajev
Denis Nikolajev
Eesti tegevjuht
Kohtu oma juhiga


As a Claims Handling Specialist, your role will mirror that of a savvy detective armed with a briefcase, unravelling enigmatic insurance cases to prevent them from vanishing into the "insurance twilight zone," all while expertly navigating the labyrinth of paperwork.

You will:

  • Evaluate and handle the Property & GTPL, Personal lines and/or Motor insurance claim cases
  • Manage and administrate the claims documents
  • Enter and update data in the information systems
  • Facilitate the claims data exchange with the external partners, customers

 What we expect

If an exciting challenge is what gets you up in the morning,

if you put passion and energy in everything you do and get satisfaction from it,

if you are supportive and friendly and have a high level of responsibility,

if you are a fast learner, have an eagle eye to details and know how to handle sensitive and confidential information,

if you are results-driven person and have a mindset that allows you to always think out of the box,

then we are "on the same page", and it is definitely worth talking to us.


  • 2+ year’s experience in claims handling
  • Knowledge of the claims handling process and the related laws and guidelines
  • Ability to work under stressful conditions
  • Hands-on experience with MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of Estonian & English
  • Willingness to learn and adapt to new policies, procedures, and technologies
  • Attention to detail and analytical skills
  • Capability of handling multiple tasks simultaneously and prioritizing work efficiently
  • Legal background is an advantage

 What we offer

You will be working at a modern office in Valukoja 10, Tallinn 11415 in a friendly, fast-paced and teamwork-oriented international culture with high ethics. You will have an opportunity to work also remotely.

No two days are the same. You will be working closely with an amazing team and learning from the best in a constantly changing environment. We will provide you with necessary training, guidance, and onboarding.

Competitive monthly salary depending on your level of experience and competence, access to Stebby wellness marketplace from the first day, additional paid days off, discount on Balcia products, gifts on special occasions, and much more.



Nr 1
Töö ja eraelu balansis

Soovime, et oleksid oma kõige säravam mina!

Paindlik tööaeg
Tunnustuspäev (Kudos Day)
Lühemad suvised reeded
Tööta kuni kolm kuud aastast välismaal
Reisi ja tööta Balcia filiaalides
Nr 2
Rohkem kui lihtsalt palk

Me märkame su panust ja näitame seda ka välja!

Hariduse toetus
Inspireerivad konverentsid – meie kulul
Tulemuspõhine boonus
Osale Balcia sponsitud üritustel
Eelarve Sinu isikliku arengu toetuseks
Piiramatud karjäärivõimalused
Nr 3
Balcia elustiil

Boonused, mis muudavad su tööpäeva sujuvamaks, chill’imaks ja lõbusamaks.

Balcia Merch Shop
Jagatud elektritõuksid
Inspireerivad kõnelejad
Eksklusiivsed sisediilid -50%
Boonus hea töötaja soovitamise eest
Snäkid kontoris
Horisontaalne struktuur – rohkem tiimikaaslasi, vähem ülemusi!
Partnerite soodukad
20% soodustus Balcia residentsis
Telefonikulude katmine
Soodsam parkimine
Nr 1
Töö ja eraelu balansis

Soovime, et oleksid oma kõige säravam mina!

Paindlik tööaeg
Tunnustuspäev (Kudos Day)
Lühemad suvised reeded
Tööta kuni kolm kuud aastast välismaal
Reisi ja tööta Balcia filiaalides
Nr 2
Rohkem kui lihtsalt palk

Me märkame su panust ja näitame seda ka välja!

Hariduse toetus
Inspireerivad konverentsid – meie kulul
Tulemuspõhine boonus
Osale Balcia sponsitud üritustel
Eelarve Sinu isikliku arengu toetuseks
Piiramatud karjäärivõimalused
Nr 3
Balcia elustiil

Boonused, mis muudavad su tööpäeva sujuvamaks, chill’imaks ja lõbusamaks.

Balcia Merch Shop
Jagatud elektritõuksid
Inspireerivad kõnelejad
Eksklusiivsed sisediilid -50%
Boonus hea töötaja soovitamise eest
Snäkid kontoris
Horisontaalne struktuur – rohkem tiimikaaslasi, vähem ülemusi!
Partnerite soodukad
20% soodustus Balcia residentsis
Telefonikulude katmine
Soodsam parkimine

Ei leitud ühtegi vastet

Avasta vabu positsioone 12 O o .


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Balcia Insurance