Tagasi töökohtade juurde


We're a tech-driven insurance company with Latvian roots, causing waves in industry with our fresh approach. Our secret? Placing people's lifestyles at the heart of our products and leveraging the power of automation. The result is an insurance experience that's as hassle-free as it gets. No need to buy and cancel policies anymore - just a simple, convenient subscription service that smoothly integrates insurance into your everyday life. Today, we are sprinkled across Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France, Germany, Italy, and Estonia. We're all over the place, and we're just getting started. We are on a mission to redefine the way you think about insurance.

Senior Specialist
Palk (bruto)
Alusta testiga
Milline Balcia kindlustuspakett sa oled?
background Eleonora Zelmene
Eleonora Zelmene
Board Member
Kohtu oma juhiga


As a Senior Lawyer, your focus will be on monitoring of legal matters in the company with a mandate to ensure that legal risks of the company are minimized. You will also be involved in the process of revision of internal procedures, drafting agreements and providing regulatory and other legal advice related to the activities of the company.

Get ready to: 

  • Provide legal support for the functioning of Balcia's governing bodies.
  • Coordinate and provide legal support in Balcia's communication with state supervisory authorities and other state and local authorities.
  • Prepare various legal documents such as letters, submissions, powers of attorney, applications, etc.
  • Prepare, examine, and edit drafts of various types of contracts and advise on the best contract strategy.
  • Participate in document and procedure development processes and create guidelines, procedures, policies, work flows, etc. to promote legal compliance in the company.
  • Participate in solving business, contract, financial, and other issues, as well as in Latvian and international projects and working groups, which are necessary to support the growth and operation of the company.
  • Provide legal advice to company employees on legal issues within their competence.

About you:

  • You are a highly motivated lawyer with a passion for developing legal strategies.
  • You possess a high level of adaptability, responsibility, and flexibility to navigate various legal scenarios.
  • You approach your work with positivity, openness, and energy.
  • You are a results-driven individual with strong problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and a strategic mindset.

Sound familiar? Great! Shoot us a message and let’s see where this connection takes us!

To fit in here you’ll need:

  • Professional qualification as lawyer.
  • Work experience in related legal professions including at least 3 years.
  • A strong legal background in finance industry, preferably in insurance area.
  • Ability to prepare complex legal documents.
  • Knowledge of legal acts governing provision of insurance services, corporate matters, employment issues and other relevant areas of the law.
  • Ability to handle simultaneously and successfully different responsibilities in a dynamic environment with tight deadlines.
  • Experience in interaction with government institutions and court proceedings.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
  • Fluent Latvian, excellent English language skills, both written and spoken.

Reasons why you’ll love it here

You will be working from our modern HQ offices in the Riga city centre, while also having the option of a nomad-desk. What does that mean? Simple! In addition to our HQ, you can occasionally choose to work from dynamic locations across Riga, Tallinn, Warsaw, and Vilnius, or, if you wish, your home office.

Say goodbye to micromanagement and hello to creative freedom! Our flat organizational structure empowers each employee to make meaningful decisions and contribute directly to our shared vision. Our OKR (Objective and Key Results) bonus system aligns your personal goals with company objectives, giving you the freedom to grow in a way you see fit and earn a little extra along the way.

Balcia brings a whole new meaning to insurance, making it dynamic, vibrant, and full of exciting surprises! From creative brainstorming and innovative projects to unique collaborations, it's never boring at Balcia! To make your start here as smooth as possible we'll provide effective onboarding, and any additional training or guidance you may need.

You'll receive a competitive salary that's based on your competencies and previous experience. What's more, you'll receive high quality health insurance (from day one!), additional paid days off, amazing discounts on Balcia products to keep you and your family safe, and many more. As lovers of surprises, we make sure that each year our benefits package is reviewed with the intent to include even more bonuses! 



Nr 1
Me oleme paindlikud

Mida sa ütlesid? Vabad päevad, kaugtöö kodust või välismaalt ning kohandatud töötunnid? Jah, oleme nõus!

Võimalus hübriidtööks
Paindlikud töötunnid
Töötaja eripuhkus oluliste elusündmuste jaoks
Võimalus töötada välismaalt
Nr 2
Mis taevas ja piir?

Pole ühtki piirangut, mis takistaks sul Balcias paremaks kasvada. Tule meile tööle ning loo endast super-mina.

Koolitused ja osalemine konverentsidel
Dünaamiline töökeskkond
Lugematud võimalused karjääri tegemiseks
Nr 3
Tagame boonused ja lahedad peod

Kui töötad kõvasti, siis jagame boonust ja teeme ka korraliku peo. Kui tihti? Vaatame kvartaalsete tulemuste pealt ning siis hääletame.

Kvartaalsed boonused
50% soodustus Balcia toodetele
Stebby liitumine esimesest päevast
Pop-up peod

Ei leitud ühtegi vastet

Avasta vabu positsioone 13 O o .


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Balcia Insurance