Tagasi töökohtade juurde

communication project manager

We're a tech-driven insurance company with Latvian roots, causing waves in the industry with our fresh approach. Our secret? Placing people's lifestyles at the heart of our products and leveraging the power of automation. The result is an insurance experience that's as hassle-free as it gets. No need to buy and cancel policies anymore - just a simple, convenient subscription service that smoothly integrates insurance into your everyday life. Today, we are sprinkled across Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France, Germany, Italy, and Estonia. We're all over the place, and we're just getting started. We are on a mission to redefine the way you think about insurance.

Marketing Communication Project Manager
Sinu missioon
Be innovative
Palk (bruto)
Alusta testiga
Milline Balcia kindlustuspakett sa oled?
background Jonas Žala
Jonas Žala
Head of Marketing
Kohtu oma juhiga


You will be tasked with bringing your creative flair to the table, paying meticulous attention to details, and adeptly crafting compelling stories and content that bring joy. If you possess a masterful understanding of PR and a background in social media, coupled with exceptional project management skills and a keen awareness of marketing communication trends – consider us eagerly awaiting to be amazed!


  • Lead social media and public relations agency teams.

  • Generate high-impact content for media to support the overall goals that align with reputation management and supporting marketing activities.
  • Foster community growth and engagement across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Linkedin.
  • Craft and distribute press releases, manage media inquiries, and coordinate interviews and media events.
  • Coordinate social media campaigns, ensuring timely and effective execution.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create compelling narratives that resonate with our target audience and are aligned with brand messaging.
  • Monitor social media trends, track metrics, and provide regular reports to measure campaign success.
  • Act as a liaison between the company and media outlets, managing relationships with the social media and PR agency as the primary point of contact.
  • Stay informed about current affairs, social media trends, competitor activities, and emerging technologies, providing strategic recommendations to stay competitive.


  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, or a related field.
  • Proven experience as a PR Manager, Marketing Communication Manager, Social Media Manager, or similar role.
  • In-depth knowledge of social media platforms, trends, and best practices.
  • Project management skills, adept at multitasking and meeting deadlines.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Lithuanian and English.
  • Good understanding of public relations strategies and tactics, including knowledge of best practices, to manage communications and media interactions effectively.
  • Creative mindset with a sharp eye for design and visual aesthetics.
  • Familiarity with analytics tools for measuring and reporting on campaign performance.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, facilitating effective collaboration with cross-functional teams.

What we offer

  • You will be working closely with an amazing team and learning from the best in a constantly changing environment. We will provide you with the necessary training, guidance, and onboarding
  • Health insurance from the very first day
  • Additional paid days off
  • Bonus system according to your performance 
  • Discounts on Balcia products, gifts on special occasions, and.. much more!


Nr 1
Töö ja eraelu balansis

Soovime, et oleksid oma kõige säravam mina!

Paindlik tööaeg
Tunnustuspäev (Kudos Day)
Lühemad suvised reeded
Tööta kuni kolm kuud aastast välismaal
Reisi ja tööta Balcia filiaalides
Nr 2
Rohkem kui lihtsalt palk

Me märkame su panust ja näitame seda ka välja!

Hariduse toetus
Inspireerivad konverentsid – meie kulul
Tulemuspõhine boonus
Osale Balcia sponsitud üritustel
Eelarve Sinu isikliku arengu toetuseks
Piiramatud karjäärivõimalused
Nr 3
Balcia elustiil

Boonused, mis muudavad su tööpäeva sujuvamaks, chill’imaks ja lõbusamaks.

Balcia Merch Shop
Jagatud elektritõuksid
Inspireerivad kõnelejad
Eksklusiivsed sisediilid -50%
Boonus hea töötaja soovitamise eest
Snäkid kontoris
Horisontaalne struktuur – rohkem tiimikaaslasi, vähem ülemusi!
Partnerite soodukad
20% soodustus Balcia residentsis
Telefonikulude katmine
Soodsam parkimine
Nr 1
Töö ja eraelu balansis

Soovime, et oleksid oma kõige säravam mina!

Paindlik tööaeg
Tunnustuspäev (Kudos Day)
Lühemad suvised reeded
Tööta kuni kolm kuud aastast välismaal
Reisi ja tööta Balcia filiaalides
Nr 2
Rohkem kui lihtsalt palk

Me märkame su panust ja näitame seda ka välja!

Hariduse toetus
Inspireerivad konverentsid – meie kulul
Tulemuspõhine boonus
Osale Balcia sponsitud üritustel
Eelarve Sinu isikliku arengu toetuseks
Piiramatud karjäärivõimalused
Nr 3
Balcia elustiil

Boonused, mis muudavad su tööpäeva sujuvamaks, chill’imaks ja lõbusamaks.

Balcia Merch Shop
Jagatud elektritõuksid
Inspireerivad kõnelejad
Eksklusiivsed sisediilid -50%
Boonus hea töötaja soovitamise eest
Snäkid kontoris
Horisontaalne struktuur – rohkem tiimikaaslasi, vähem ülemusi!
Partnerite soodukad
20% soodustus Balcia residentsis
Telefonikulude katmine
Soodsam parkimine

Ei leitud ühtegi vastet

Avasta vabu positsioone 18 O o .

communication project manager

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Balcia Insurance